From Desk to Dinner Table: Mindful Eating Tips for Every Scenario

Did you ever stop to consider that how you eat can influence your health as much as what you eat? Eating too quickly, eating too much, eating too late at night, and even eating too many different foods at one meal can weaken your digestion and ultimately lead to feelings of malaise and make it easier to gain weight.

The good news is that habits can be changed! You can develop new habits on your own or with the help of a nutrition coach. Change always starts with awareness, so take a moment to reflect on where you are now and envision where you would like to be.

Need inspiration?

Eating Behaviors for Common Scenarios

  1. At Your Desk
    Avoid eating in front of your computer, as your keyboard can get messy! Set a placemat on the opposite side of your monitor to signal to yourself and others that you are taking a few minutes without distractions to nourish yourself.

  2. In Your Car
    If the drive-thru is your go-to once in a while or regularly, commit to not eating behind the wheel. Get into the habit of not touching your food and drink until you find a quiet spot away from traffic. Eat out of the car whether on a park bench, under a shade tree, or even just leaning against your car door.

  3. At Home
    If you are among the 71% of Americans who rarely eat at a dinner table, ask yourself why that is. Remove any clutter from your dining table and make the setting appealing. TV and other distractions can wait. Prioritize mindful eating whether you are alone or with others.

Need motivation or accountability? Contact me at to schedule a complimentary mini-consultation.

- Coach Natalina


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