Coach Natalina's #1 Tip for Thriving During this Holiday Season

The simplest yet most effective strategy for holiday eating is to "eat slowly." It takes about 15 to 20 minutes for your brain to register that you're full, so slowing down can help you avoid overeating and the discomfort that follows. One helpful habit is to put your fork down between bites; this is beneficial not just during the holidays, but every day. I enjoy finding the slowest eater at the table and challenging myself to finish after them. While delicious food is certainly a highlight of the season, I also cherish the opportunity for great conversation. To spark discussions, I like to carry a few TableTopics cards in my bag. This holiday season, set the intention to feel your best every moment!

Jackie Burrow

Advocator for living a happy and healthy lifestyle! Receiving all of life’s magic!

Wellness, Wrapped: The Gift of Renewal and The Rising Tide of Stress


Mindful of Everything You Consume